Monday, June 6, 2011

Temporary Suspend

Apparently Google is still having issues and until those issues are fixed, I am suspending daily tips.  When the issue has been resolved, we will resume.  

Friday, June 3, 2011

EXCEL: Deleting Comments

Okay, let's use yesterday's scenario about adding a comment to your spreadsheet explaining a budget expense.  Today, we're going to assume you don't want to include that comment any more so you will need to delete it.

Deleting comments is simple.  Position your cursor in that cell and Right click and choose Delete Comment!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Excel: Inserting Comments

Inserting comments into an Excel spreadsheet is simple, and you may be missing this opportunity to share information with your reader about the contents of a particular cell or group of cells.

For instance, if you have a budget spreadsheet and would like your reader to know that April's expenses are abnormal because you had to purchase a new copy machine, you could add a comment to that April expense by positioning your cursor in that cell and choosing:

  1. Insert
  2. Comment
  3. (Type your message, i.e. "$9,000 copy machine)
Then save your spreadsheet and your reader will be able to see, when he clicks in that spot, that there's a reason you are over budget in April!  (To view all comments at once, select View, Comments). 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

EXCEL: Print Preview - A Must!

Lately I've been receiving a lot of Excel spreadsheets that have all the bells and whistles (proper column sizes, headings, calculations, etc) but when I print them, they print on 17 pages or they print with blank pages.  Somebody's not doing their job of checking to see how your spreadsheet will print before sending it off to someone.

Get in the habit of always checking the Print Preview to ensure your spreadsheet will print appropriately.  You don't want to leave an unprofessional image by sending a sheet not print-ready!