Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Passwords: Keeping Track of Them

The more passwords you have to store (memory or otherwise), the more it becomes a challenge.  Sure, there are software programs that are made for this purpose, but you can simplify your "password life" just using this system:

In Excel, create a worksheet with the following column headings:
  • Item:  in this column, you will enter whatever the topic is, for instance, "Supplies"
  • Location:  in this column, you will enter the actual web address as a usable link, like
  • User Name:  enter the user name you use for this item
  • Password:  enter your password
  • Comments:  enter anything you want to remember, like "Minimum order $50"
When you are done, store this worksheet in a secure location and place a shortcut to it on your desktop.  You've just saved yourself a lot of memorization and have a quick resource to access these important items!

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