Monday, February 28, 2011

WORD: Title Line

Here's a quick way to format a title line for your report/document in WORD:
  1. Type your title line at the top of the page
  2. Triple Left click the title line you typed (to select it)
  3. Choose Format
  4. Borders and Shading
  5. Choose Box
  6. Ensure "Paragraph" is selected in the "Apply to" section
  7. Choose OK
Now you can center it and bold if you like so it looks something like this:

This is my Sample Title Line

Friday, February 25, 2011

WORD: Filling in Forms

Today's tip is about those forms that you have to complete where you have to enter  your response on a line, like this:

Name:  _______________

If you just position your cursor there and type your name, it ends up looking something like this:

Name:  ___Carrie_Ogemile___

But if you double left click the line BEFORE you start typing your name, it looks like this:

Name:  Carrie Ogemile

Looks much better, doesn't it?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

EXCEL: Worksheet Tabs, Copy

Here's another tip on Excel's worksheet tabs (at the bottom).  One example of when you may want to copy a worksheet into the same workbook would be if you had a spreadsheet completed for figures entered in 2010 and now you want a new worksheet to enter 2011 figures.  To do this:

  1. Right click on the worksheet tab you are currently using (at the bottom of the sheet)
  2. Choose Move or Copy
  3. Choose Create a Copy, Move to End
Now you can re-name the 2010 worksheet to "2010" and the copy you just created to "2011"!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Organize: Fax Tip

When you are faxing a document, most fax machines require you to load the fax face down into the fax.  Before you load it, flip the last page of the fax over and rotate it 180 degrees, and hand write the fax number at the top.

Now, when you load your document face down into the fax, you will be able to see the fax number you are sending it to!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Organize: Avery labels template

Speaking of labels for file folders, Avery has a great template available on line that is used in conjunction with their file divider (labels).  It's very easy to use, doesn't require any downloading and you have the option of customizing fonts.  You can also opt for a full page of the same label or all different labels.

I would definitely recommend it!  Simply Google AVERY LABELS to locate.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Organize: File Folder Identification Made Easy

So you've got 20 (or more!) file folders on your desk, all in a stack, clearly marked on the side labels... sometimes when trying to locate a particular folder, it's even better to ALSO write the label on the front of the file, in large letters.

This way, when you have folders spread all over your desk or on tables, you can see clearly which files are which without having to check the side labels.

Friday, February 18, 2011

EXCEL: Worksheets

In Excel, when you open a new spreadsheet it defaults to 3 worksheets (see tabs at bottom).  If those extra worksheets "bug" you, simply Right click on the extra ones and choose "delete".

To re-name a worksheet tab, Right click and choose "rename".  Simple! 

More on worksheet tabs next week...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

EXCEL: Show Page Number

In Excel, when you want to show a footer, like a page number, simply choose the following:

  1. View
  2. Header and Footer
  3. Left click on the Footer dropdown menu (toward bottom of page setup window)
  4. Choose Page 1 of ?
  5. OK
You've now added a page number to your Excel spreadsheet.  There are other options for headers and footers in these dropdowns, or you can create your own (custom header/footer).

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

EXCEL-WORD: Toolbars, Anyone?

Okay, we talked once before about the Standard and Formatting toolbars as necessities on Outlook.  These toolbars should also show in your Excel and WORD, too, as you just can't live without them.

To view your list of available toolbars in Excel and WORD, right click in the gray area to the right of your currently shown toolbars.  Simply select the toolbars you want shown.

Then use yesterday's tip to arrange them to your liking!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

WORD-EXCEL: Toolbar Separator Bars

Those little horizontal lines on the far far left edge of your toolbars are handles, or separator bars.  Sometimes these toolbars overlap one another or you just want to move their order to make more logical sense with how you work. 

To move a toolbar, simply left click and hold that handle, or separator bar, and drag to the position that best suits you.  (You will see a quad-headed arrow when you hover over the handle).

You can drag the bar all the way to the bottom of your screen or left/right as you see fit! 

Monday, February 14, 2011

EXCEL: Right Click Edit Cell

Most people ignore the ease of Right clicking in a cell on Excel which gives options to cut, copy, paste and format (and more).

If you get into the habit of using those Right click menus, it becomes second nature and makes manipulating cells much quicker!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Motivation: Week Ending, New Beginning

Today's Tip:

Another way to fire up your motivation is to give a heartfelt compliment to someone... surely, you notice that one of your co workers is doing an excellent job on some part of their job;  tell them how great they are doing.  This boosts your own motivation.

Just remember this at the end of the day when your motivation is at its weakest:

The sun comes up every day; tomorrow you start with a a clean slate, a fresh start.  Learn from whatever mistakes you made today and make tomorrow better. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Motivation: Daily Mantra

One sure way to get your motivation up is to talk to that person in the mirror every morning before you go to work.  Devise a simple mantra, something like:

Today I will have a great day, nothing will stop me and I am amazing!

Believe it or not, if you stick to a driven mantra, you will experience remarkable motivational success.  There are plenty of samples on the Internet, or make one up that works for you!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Motivation: Biting Off More Than You Can Chew

It happens to all of us... you realize at some point that upon accepting yet another challenge in your job, you've overpromised, and now your motivation is taking a deep dive.

Your only recourse now is to take on the workload in small chunks.  Don't look at it as one huge mess, but force yourself to take just parts of it and work on the parts individually until you get yourself back in control. 

Once you've completed portions, you will be able to see you are making headway and your motivation level will increase as well!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Motivation: Up for a Challenge?

Believe it or not, when you need motivation, sometimes all it takes is a good challenge.  You need to breathe some "new life" back into yourself, so try:

  • Job rotation (for a day, a week, a month) with someone in a different department/area.  This can also open up opportunities for career advancement.
  • Job shadowing (for a few hours, a day) where you sit with, or "shadow" someone from a different department/area.  
Both of these are great motivational tools and you will return to your job with a renewed sense of determination... and your creative side flourishing!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Motivation: Keep Yourself Marketable, Current

Welcome to Motivation Week!  Every day this week we'll give you a tip to keep you motivated!  Everybody goes through it, a period in your life (work or personal) where you just don't feel motivated.  This is perfectly normal.  We'll provide tips on the "work" motivation this week:

One of the best ways to get your motivation back is to "improve" yourself;  take a course online or a class that will enhance your career.  It doesn't have to be Rocket Science; just something that you will be able to use in your daily work life.  Check your resources at your job first, there are usually several options for you and this will help keep you motivated and look good at your next performance evaluation.  If the list is extensive, GREAT... add a notation to your calendar to sign up for one every quarter!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Desktop Security

To ensure the privacy of your work product, be sure to "lock" your monitor every time you walk away from your desk.  To do this fast:

Hold down the Control (Ctrl) and hit L (for lock)


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Organize & Prioritize: Returning Panic

So you are just coming back from being gone from your desk for a few days (even a day!) and all you see are stack of work to be done... panicsville hits.  Here's one of the simplest processes to prioritize those stacks:

  1. Take a deep breath and smile (set the mood).  :)
  2. Gather all of it into one stack and start at the top item, using this sort sequence:
    • Sort by deadline date (obviously, soonest date on the top of the stack)
    • Sort by your own priority system (some things only YOU will know how important it is), including those items with no specified deadline.
    • On the bottom, everything else that can wait.
  3. Take another deep breath.
Your next step is to kick it up a notch or two.  Everyone has a "work pace".  There are times when you have to kick start and run at high gear for an extended period.  This may be one of those times.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Go right to your Desktop!

Here's the quickest tip I've given so far!

To minimize all open programs and go immediately to your Desktop, hold down Control (Ctrl) and hit the D key.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

EXCEL: Quick Date, Time

Sometimes in Excel you need to quickly input the date and time and this tip will do it fast:

DATE:  Hold down Control (Ctrl) and hit the semi colon ;

TIME:  Hold down Control (Ctrl) and Shift and hit the semi colon

The semi colon is the one with the "fishtail" on it.