Monday, February 7, 2011

Motivation: Keep Yourself Marketable, Current

Welcome to Motivation Week!  Every day this week we'll give you a tip to keep you motivated!  Everybody goes through it, a period in your life (work or personal) where you just don't feel motivated.  This is perfectly normal.  We'll provide tips on the "work" motivation this week:

One of the best ways to get your motivation back is to "improve" yourself;  take a course online or a class that will enhance your career.  It doesn't have to be Rocket Science; just something that you will be able to use in your daily work life.  Check your resources at your job first, there are usually several options for you and this will help keep you motivated and look good at your next performance evaluation.  If the list is extensive, GREAT... add a notation to your calendar to sign up for one every quarter!

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