Friday, April 29, 2011

WORD: Default Font

Sometimes you want to change from the old Times New Roman to something a little fresher.  Times New Roman was great ten years ago but now it's more common to see Arial or even Verdana.  To set the default font on WORD so all future documents will use the new font:

  1. Format
  2. Font
  3. Make your selections and click Default

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Organize: Agenda Items Order

Ever wondered how to organize those agenda topics for your meeting?

  1. List speaker name, affiliation, topic
  2. Welcome new members, groups, teams
  3. Begin listing topic items from most important to least important
  4. Next meeting date/time/location
Members too quiet?  Solicit feedback on topics prior to meeting to have members present during meeting.
Have difficult topic(s) to address?  Break meeting into small groups to tackle solutions.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

EXCEL: Calculations Not Working?

If you have calculations in an Excel spreadsheet that aren't calculating until you save the workbook, try this:

  1. Tools
  2. Options
  3. Calculation.... if this is set to "manual" change it to "automatic"
Your calculations should now work as they are entered into the cells.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What Day Is It?

No calendar handy and you need today's date?

Open WORD, create a new document and start typing the month; it prefills the current date


On a PC, hover over your computer's clock in the lower right hand corner and you will see the current date.

Monday, April 25, 2011

EXCEL: Conditional Formatting Problem

In Excel, you can enter "conditional formatting" to a cell to make the cell contents show in a different color or font kind/size when it meets or does not meet your specific criteria.  For instance, you can set the cell to show in RED if the data is less than 5% of the data in a cell elsewhere in your workbook.

A common problem is the copying/pasting of conditional formatting to other cells.  If you find the pasting not working properly, be sure you are pointing to cell named $E5 (for instance) instead of $E$5.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Recycling Envelopes

Earth Day Idea:

If you have offices within your same company that you mail large manilla envelopes to routinely, try reusing them!  Simply take extra care to open them without ripping the flapped end, and adhere your mailing label over the top of the old address.

This saves the cost of the envelope and helps save our trees!

For those internally-used envelopes, use recyclable routing envelopes you can get from your supply store.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

WORD: Print Selection

Sometimes in WORD you just want to print a section of the document, not the whole page.  To do this, simply select the portion you want to print and choose:

  1. File 
  2. Print
  3. Selection
  4. OK
We should always be thinking along those selective printing lines, a special focus on this with Earth Day being tomorrow... let's save our trees!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Organize: Agenda Notes

Here's a quick tip for the back side of your meeting agenda:

Make a template on WORD that has a column for:
  1. Date Completed  (small column)
  2. Priority Level  (small column)
  3. Item (remainder of the line)
Then create lines with enough space between them for handwritten notes.  Now photocopy that template so it is on the back side (flip side) of your meeting agenda.

Your meeting attendees now have an easy spot to take handwritten notes, including completed and priority items!  They will love it!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Outlook: Restoring Deleted Items

So you've emptied your Deleted Items folder and realize you needed to save one of those messages....

Choose Tools, Restore Deleted Items

You can sort by any of the column headings to locate the email you are looking for (Name, From, Deleted On).

Monday, April 18, 2011

Outlook: Set to Delete Daily

You can set Outlook to automatically empty your "Deleted Items" folder at the end of every day.  To do this:

  1. Tools
  2. Options
  3. Other
  4. In the "General" section, select "Empty the Deleted Items Folder upon exiting"
  5. OK
Pssst:  You can always get the items back by Restoring your Deleted Items (more on that tomorrow)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Outlook: Over Capacity

Use these tips to keep Outlook clutter-free:

  • Do not use stationery in your outgoing messages, it just takes up more "space"
  • Limit your use of attachments; keep in mind that attached photos and graphics within a message take up more "space"
If your capacity is compromised, you should receive a message from eMail administration to that affect; be sure to take these proactive steps to avoid that issue.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Outlook: Think Twice About Subscriptions Online

Another way your Inbox fills up quickly is with newsletters, newsgroups and alerts that you have signed yourself up for at some time. 

Only join these groups that you are truly interested in.  Give them a trial run and if you don't like what you are receiving, unsubscribe right away. If a sender is reputable, they will remove your name from their list without any hassle.

If you find yourself not sure about whether to stay on their mailing list or not, create a folder so that you can at least move the item into that folder for possible future reference, and your Inbox will remain uncluttered.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Outlook: Organizing with Color

It is helpful to set your Outlook email to show all email from a certain person(s) in color.  For instance, you may want to set all email from your boss to show up in red in your Inbox.  To do this:

  1. Tools
  2. Organize
  3. Using Colors
  4. Choose a color for a specific person
  5. Apply Color
TIP:  If you have a message selected in your Inbox from the person to whom you are assigning a color, Outlook will automatically have their name in the edit box for you.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Outlook: Inbox Decision Making

Okay, so do you find yourself opening, reading and closing the same message over and over?  Handle/touch each email just once before taking action.... start making decisions!

Use the FOUR D system, where you have to choose once of these four choices for every message:

  • Delete it
  • Do it
  • Delegate it
  • Defer it

Monday, April 11, 2011

Outlook: Staying in that zone

Here's a way to keep within your Inbox comfort zone:

Set aside a period of time right before lunch and go through your Inbox by sorting with the SUBJECT field.  This way you can take action on or delete entire threads about the same subject at once without having to review the entire list of email messages.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Outlook: What's your comfort zone?

Everyone has a comfort zone in how many Inbox messages you are holding, whether it's 10 or 100 or 500.  As long as you are comfortable with that number and can maintain the pace in keeping it that way.

To see how many you are holding (Outlook):

  1. Click View, STatus Bar
  2. Check the lower left corner of your screen
Are you in your comfort zone?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Outlook: Your "to do" list

Many people use Outlook as their "to do" list, and it works well for this purpose.  Imagine it as your list of things you need to accomplish then delete the items or check them off as completed when you are done.  This mindset helps with organization as well as providing you with a sense of accomplishment as you see right in front of you what you have already accomplished (and what's next)!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Outlook: Unnecessary email

Here are some tips to avoid unnecessary email:

  • "Thank you" (don't thank people for everyday task completion; use sparingly)
  • "Okay" (unless a confirmation is necessary)
Consider this:  Would a simple phone call or conference call work better for your needs?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Outlook: Creating email

When creating your email, consider what the receiver needs to know to handle your message:

  • Who (use distribution lists carefully; don't use "Reply to All" unless everyone needs the info)
  • What
  • Where
  • When
  • Why
  • How
  • Deadline
The receivers are trying to limit the amount of their email, too, so if you include all relevant information, you are helping eliminate unnecessary email!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Outlook: NRN, FYI

Acronyms may help you process email quickly.  Persuade your email group to utilize these acronyms:

  • NRN (no response necessary)
  • FYI (for your information)
You can use these either in the Subject field or in the text of your email to reduce the amount of email responses you receive.

Sometimes your entire email can be shown in the Subject field:

Subject:  Rescheduled Expenses Meeting Orig. 8/1/11 3PM--Now 8/12/11 3:00PM

Friday, April 1, 2011

Outlook: Subject Field

The next several tips will be about Outlook (or any email for that matter).  We all struggle to juggle too many Inbox messages.  This tip is simple but effective:

When sending email, be sure to include a detailed Subject field.

     Every eMail, Every Time

The subject field is pivotal to an organized Inbox, and it starts with you.