Monday, January 3, 2011

Outlook: Ticklers, Bring-Ups and Diarying Ahead...

Let's say a message comes into your Inbox regarding something that you want to remember to do next Tuesday.  One option you have is to use that message as a "tickler" on your calendar.  Here's how:

  • From your Inbox (or Sent Items, or Deleted, for that matter), select the message (left click)
  • Hold down your (left) mouse button and drag the message to your Calendar, (let go)
  • Once it's been dropped onto your Calendar, it will automatically think you want this as a new appointment, (perfect), so ensure the Subject field is what you want it to be (detailed), then
  • Set the date for next Tuesday (when you want to be reminded)
  • Save and Close
Next Tuesday, when you are checking your calendar, up pops this message to remind you!  This is a great way to keep that Inbox clean and organized.

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